Starting next month, payments to the National Revenue Agency (NAP) will be made through new bank accounts at the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB)

From the beginning of October 2023, bank payments to the National Revenue Agency (NAP) will be made through five new bank accounts at the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB). Each is designated for the settlement of a specific obligation: taxes, social security and health insurance contributions, contributions to the Supplementary Pension Insurance, and claims subject to […]
The National Revenue Agency (NAP) is again exchanging information with hundreds of countries, including offshore zones.

The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has restored the National Revenue Agency’s (NAP) access to automatic international data exchange with over 110 jurisdictions, including offshore zones. This occurred after a series of very serious and in-depth checks and operational meetings […]
Information on changes to the Customs Tariff Act effective from 01.08.2023

On the website of the Customs Agency, under the Business Information – Excise Activities section, information has been published regarding the new aspects of the Excise Duties and Tax Warehouses Act, coming into effect from 01.08.2023. This includes changes related to liquids for electronic cigarettes that do not contain nicotine, nicotine-containing tobacco substitutes, and others. […]
Information on tariff classification of electronic cigarettes, liquids, and heated tobacco products.

In connection with the changes in the seventh revision cycle of the Harmonized System for the Description and Coding of Goods (HS), which are applicable from January 1, 2022, changes have been introduced in the Combined Nomenclature (CN) of the EU for 2022 regarding electronic cigarettes, as well as liquids and refills used with them: […]